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Form 941-X Texas Collin: What You Should Know

Collin County Sheriff's Office | Jail | Online Jail — Collin County Jail The Collin County Sheriff's Office (Cost) is responsible for the operation of the Collin County Jail, which provides 24-hour confinement to adult felony offenders. The Cost jail is located at the Collin County Court House, 500 East Park Street, Fort Worth. The jail is open on weekends and holidays and is open the first Friday morning of every month, which is the last court day available.   More information is available on the Jails Blog. Community Resource List — District Attorney's Office Click on the picture below to view a Community Resource LIST for the Collin County D.A. Office. Community Resource List for the Collin County D.A. Office — Jails and Parole Click on the picture below to learn about the Cost Community Resource List for the Sheriff's Office. More information is online (see the jail section as well). Cost Community Resources — Juvenile Probation and Parole Program Information for Juvenile Offenders in the Collin County Family Court Court-appointed guardians and other individuals have been hired and paid for their responsibilities and are not eligible for restitution. The following individuals are ineligible for restitution for crimes of which they were not convicted of the first time (e.g. drug and crime, or prostitution).  Persons are ineligible for restitution for crimes committed after they obtained a valid security deposit for the child or dependent. They will not receive a financial contribution of 60 for a single night at a motel when their payment of 300 per month had been approved previously.  The child will not be charged for any expenses for legal representation. The child will not be required to attend a restitution hearing, nor will the child be required to pay any fee to attend the hearing nor will the child be held in contempt if the child does not attend the hearing. These are the basic standards set in Texas Family Code Article 21.07(b), which governs the payment of restitution.

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